Sublime skin. Exquisite eyes. Lust-inducing lips. Get the secrets behind Pat’s most captivating, compelling looks gracing Spring-Summer 24 runway.
"New York Fashion Week is a canvas like no other, where innovation and artistry collide in the most magical way. Every moment is a testimony to creativity and passion."

The legendary brand strikes a balance between casual cool and pink-carpet radiance with models exuding an authenticity supercharged with high-energy allure.

Makeup is front and centre on the Pink Carpet; and it’s all about celebrating iconic beauty. Drawing inspiration from the '90s supermodel era, the looks are layered and nuanced, blending classic runway and modern red-carpet. Skin glows from face to body, creating a radiant backdrop for dramatic eyes and bold lips. The looks are customised for each model to celebrate their individuality! ANGELIC ALLURE showcases sophisticated smoky eyes, nuanced with hints of taupe for that extra allure. Through expert artistry, the look is carefully balanced between minimal and maximal majorness. By contrast, CRIMSON NOIR showcases a bold, captivating lip with a custom mix of matte textures, transforming the mouth into a black cherry spectacle that’s impossible to ignore.
Sublime skin meets minimal majorness with a collection that representing the energy of a new generation.
The makeup is simply sublime with radiant and luminous skin! Eyes are adorned and fantasised with hints of metallic taupe, adding a touch of mystery and intrigue to the overall look. The lips are represented in two distinct styles: some minimalistic and bare, while others flaunted an editorialised gothic mouth — beautifully blurred and perfectly stained.
Runway radiance meets aquatic allure in the shimmering iridescence of “Octopus’s Garden.”
Join Pat on an enchanting voyage into the life aquatic, with makeup that mirrors the captivating allure of underwater scenery. The focus is on reflecting colours and textures that accentuate the ravishing beauty of the sea. The skin is flawlessly perfected, exuding a radiant luminosity. A variety of looks were featured, with some models celebrating a barely-there feel, adorned with gentle hints of taupe around the eyes. Other looks embodied a soft, dreamy bohemian vibe, with elegantly blended pastel paints around the eyes. The lips are natural and beautifully glossed for a flawless finish.